The commandments of God

Christ did not come to set aside God’s commandments but to fulfil them. He shows us how we are to act in order to witness to the power of God’s word within us.
Faith without good works is dead, and we show we are God’s people by our care of those in need, rather than by adhering to human rules and traditions.

The message of eternal life

Jesus Christ lives in his Church, and in loving the Church we love him. However challenging the world may find Christ’s teaching, we know that he has the message of eternal life, and there is no one else to whom we want to go.
We show our love for Christ in our service of his Church.

Eat my flesh, drink my blood.

Jesus Christ gave his life for us on the cross. Blood is a sign of life and Christ shed it to the last drop. In the Eucharist we receive his life-giving Body and Blood.
God’s Wisdom invites us to eat and drink the good gifts that God offers, and so to receive life.
We are called, in response to Christ’s self-giving love, to transform the world around us by the lives we lead.

Living bread.

Christ is the living bread come down from heaven. Anyone who eats this bread will live for ever.
Just as Elijah the prophet was strengthened by the food given to him by God, so we too are sustained by the Eucharist as we continue our pilgrimage back to the Father.
In the strength of this food, we are called to love as Christ loved us.

Christ the bread of life.

We do not live on bread alone. It is only Christ who can satisfy the hunger that we all feel for God. The Lord feeds us with the Eucharist, just as in times past he fed the people of Israel with manna from heaven.
Through this act of God’s love we can learn that the Lord is indeed our God.

Christ feeds us.

Through the miraculous multiplication of the loaves and fishes, Jesus feeds the hungry people, just as he feeds us daily with his word and the Eucharist. There was plenty left over when everyone had eaten enough.
We too have much to give to others because of Christ’s generosity to us. He calls us to give generously in our turn, and so to preserve the unity of spirit to us as children of the same God our Father.

God chose us.

Before the world was made, God our Father chose us in Christ to praise the glory of his grace, his free gift to us in the Beloved.
We do not need to worry about material things, because the Lord has sent us free and given us the richness of his grace.
Like Amos, we may feel unworthy, but we called to bring God’s message to all people. The Lord will always be near to help us.

Christ the giver of life.

Christ came that we might have life and have it to the full. Death came through the power of evil, and it is to rescue us from this that Christ gave his life for us.
He tells us to wake from our sleep and turn to him that we may find life. If we have faith, then it is life, not death, which will conquer.