We have a thought provoking day planned for the diocesan Assembly on the 20th November with feedback from some remarkable speakers who have been at COP26 in Glasgow. You can download the programme below and we hope you find it of interest.
Heeding the cry of the poor, the cry of the earth how can we work towards a fairer economy for everyone? Do we settle for the same status quo – the ‘blah, blah, blah’ or in a glimpse of hope do we recognise the innocence of the suffering, at the same time taking responsibility to accept reality and believe in a different quality of life that comes only from Creation and the Creator as we place our lives in the powerful hands of empowering love, opening up a fairer way of life for all.
The Diocesan Justice and Peace Commission Autumn Assembly 2021 entitled ‘COP26: What next?’ in a continued response to the huge environmental issues of our time. What can we do that we aren’t doing now? Respond to care for the earth, care for the poor, care for a fairer economy. At Corpus Christi Catholic Church, Brixton Hill, Saturday 20th November from 10am onwards. Entrance is free. Everyone welcome. Email jpiccontact@rcaos.org.uk to reserve your place. Please bring a packed lunch. Tea and coffee provided.